Sweden in World War II - across borders

Litterature and photos

[s01] Hambro, C J (1945), De første måneder. H Aschehoug & Co, Oslo. (About the first months of war in Norway, written by the president of the Norwegian parliament and published in the USA in summer of 1940.)

[s02] Bra Böckers lexicon del 17 (1980), ”neutralitet”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s03] Borgersrud, Lars (2000). Årstall og holdepunkter i Norgeshistorien, Universitetsforlaget. (Short about special events in Norway's history, in chronological order. Norwegian book.)

[s04] Hvem Hvad Hvor 1940 (1939), Aftenposten, Oslo. ('Who, what, where', small annual reference book. Norwegian.)

[s05] Dagens Nyheter 125 år (1989), Dagens Nyheter. (From the first 125 years of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.)

[s06] Glans, Sigurd (1999), På första sidan 1900-1999, Tidningsmakarna AB. ('On the front page', news in Swedish newspapers.)

[s07] Tamelander, Michael & Zetterling, Niklas (2007). Andra världskriget år för år, Historiska Media. (Short about WWII, year by year. Swedish.)

[s08] Brendon, Piers (2000), Den mörka dalen, Norstedts Förlag. (Orig: The Dark Valley, a panorama of the 1930s).

[s09] Poulsen, Henning (1982?), Bra Böckers världshistoria band 13 ”Från krig till krig”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs. (World history, part 13, 'from war to war'. Swedish.)

[s10] Christophersen, H O et al, Den store krigen (book 1 of 3). Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. (Norwegian book about WWII.)

[s11] Nygaardsvold, Johan (1982), Norge i krig, 9 April - 7 juni 1940. Tiden Norsk Forlag. (Written in April-June 1940 by the Norwegian prime minister.)

[s12] Kersaudy, François (2002), Churchill mot Hitler - Norge 1940: Den ödesdigra segern, Fischer & Co, Rimbo. (Orig: Churchill contre Hitler – Norvège 1940, La Victoire fatale.)

[s13] Adrup, K A, (1981), Andra världskriget - Den nionde april. Bokorama/Förlags AB Wiken. (Part of book series about WWII, focus on 9 April 1940. Swedish.)

[s14] Bra Böckers lexicon del 3 (1983), ”Bornholm”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s15] Bra Böckers lexicon del 12 (1978), ”Island”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s16] Bra Böckers lexicon del 10 (1977), ”Grönland”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s17] Bra Böckers lexicon del 9 (1977), ”Färöarna”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s18] Bra Böckers lexicon del 25 (1982), ”Ålandsfrågan”, Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s19] Christensen, Chr A R & Engen, Hans (1948), Verden siden 1939. H Aschehoug & Co, Oslo. (Norwegian book about WWII, in chronological order.)

[s20] Norges Forsvar - Frigjøringsutgave, Norges Forsvarsforening, Oslo, 1995. (Norwegian magazine 50 years after the end of WWII in Norway.)

[s21] Bra Böckers lexicon del 14 (1977), ”lejdtrafik”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s22] Rumar, Lars (2nd edition 1998), Historia kring Kölen. Jamtli/Jämtlands läns museum. (Swedish local history book about three provinces in mid Sweden and mid Norway.)

[s23] Eriksen, Rolf R & Moland, Arnfinn, Hvor uforberedt var vi 9 april?. Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum. ('How unprepared were we 9 April?', booklet from Norwegian home front museum.)

[s24] Christophersen, Bjørn (2nd edition 1972?), 9 April 1940. Forsvarets Pressetjeneste, Oslo. (Booklet from the Norwegian military.)

[s25] Bra Böckers lexicon del 7 (1980), ”Finland” and "estlandssvenskar", Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s26] Hadenius, Stig et al (1999), Guide till Sveriges historia. Kunskapsförlaget P A Norstedt & Söner. (Swedish history.)

[s27] Breitman, Richard (1998), Official secrets. Allen Lane - The Penguin Press. (British book about the German holocaust.)b

[s28] Melin, Jan et al (1997), Sveriges historia. Tiden Athena, Stockholm / Rabén Prisma. (Swedish history.)

[s29] Svensson, Alex (2010), Sveriges regenter under 1000 år. Svenskt Militärhistoriskt Biblioteks Förlag. (Swedish history.)

[s30] Den svenska historien del 1, Albert Bonniers Förlag, Stockholm, 1966 and 1977. (Swedish history.)

[s31] Bra Böckers lexicon del 14 (1977), ”Lappland”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s32] Bra Böckers lexicon del 7 (1976), ”Finnmarken” and ”Finnmarker”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s33] NAF Veibok, Norges Automobil-Forbund, 1982. (Norwegian road map and guide book.)

[s34] Bra Böckers lexicon del 7 (1976), ”emigration”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s35] Henrikson, Alf, (1992), En skandinavisk historia - Norge & Sverige under 1000 år. Bokförlaget Atlantis AB. (Swedish book about Norwegian and Swedish history.)

[s36] Nygaardsvold, Johan (1983), Norge i krig, London 1940 - 1945. Tiden Norsk Forlag. (By the Norwegian prime minister during World War II. Mostly written during the years in London 1940-1945.)

[s37] Deighton, Len (1979), Blitzkrieg. Triad Grafton.

[s38] Deighton, Len (1993), Blood, tears, and folly. Volume I. HarperPaperbacks. (About the first part of WWII.)

[s39] Andra världskriget - Slaget om Atlanten. Bokorama/Förlags AB Wiken, 1983. (Part of book series about WWII, focus on the battle of the Atlantic.). Orig by Bauer, Eddy, © Jaspard Polus, Monaco 1978.

[s40] Bra Böckers lexicon del 23 (1982), ”trettioåriga kriget”, Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s41] Nilsson, Torbjörn (2002), Guide till Sveriges historia i Europa, Wahlström & Widstrand. (Swedish history, about Sweden in Europe.)

[s42] Petersen, Kai (1960), När hände vad?, Forum. (Short about world history 1500-1982, in chronological order. Swedish.)

[s43] Tamelander, Michael & Zetterling, Niklas (pre 2002), 9 april, Spartacus Forlag AS. (Swedish book.)

[s44] Ulstein, Ragnar (1994), Etterretningstjenesten 1940-1945, Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum. (Norwegian booklet with excerpts from 3-volume book series about Norwegian intelligence during WWII.)

[s45] Kraglund, Ivar (1990), Sikringstjenesten 1940-1945, Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum. (Norwegian booklet about the security service for the Norwegian resistance work.)

[s46] Stahl, Knut (1962), Motstandskampen 1940-1945, Stavanger Kommune/Stabenfeldt Forlag. (Norwegian book about the resistance in the Rogaland area.)

[s47] Viksveen, Stein (editor) (1986), Rogaland i krig, Stavanger Aftenblad. (Norwegian book with articles that were published in the newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad in 1985.)

[s48] Barker, Ralph (1976), Blockadbrytarna (orig: The Blockade Busters), Rabén & Sjögren. (British book about the British efforts to get Norwegian ships and Swedish goods to Britain.)b

[s49] Nilsson, Jan-Olof & Karlsson, Bengt-Arne (2002), Anrop Red Dog, Svenska Förlaget. (Swedish book about a USAAF bomber crew who landed in Sweden.)b

[s50] Gyllenhaal, Lars & Westberg, Lennart (2004), Svenskar i krig 1914-1945, Historiska Media. (Swedish book about Swedes, in a broad sence, who have participated in wars for other nations.)b

[s51] Jaklin, Asbjørn (2006), Nordfronten, Hitlers ödesdigra krig i Norge, Forum. (Norwegian book about WWII in and near northern Scandinavia.). (Orig: Nordfronten, Hitlers skjebneområde.)b

[s52] Ellsén, Jarl & Westermark, Hans (1998?), Främmande ubåt sänks på svenskt vatten, Ehrenblad Editions AB. (Swedish book with focus on a German submarine, of a new type, that was sunk in Swedish waters.)b

[s53] Böhme, Klaus-Richard (2006), Kryptosektion IV, Ersatz. (Swedish book about Arne Beurling who deciphered the German military code, so Swedes could read German military telegrams between May 1940 and June 1942.)b

[s54] Gallagher, Thomas (1975), Assault in Norway, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. (USA book about the sabotage in Rjukan in Norway that stopped delivery of "heavy water" to Germany.)b

[s55] Hedin, Marika & Linderborg, Åsa & Nilsson, Torbjörn (2005), Bilden av Sveriges historia, Wahlström & Widstrand. (Swedish book about Swedish history.)b

[s56] Jacobsen, Alf R (2010), Sänkningen av Blücher den nionde april 1940, Optimal Förlag. (Orig: Krysseren Blücher.). (Norwegian book about sinking of the German cruiser Blücher on its way to Oslo, and background histories.)b

[s57] Mann, Chris & Jörgensen, Christer (2002), Hitler's Arctic War, Ian Allan Publishing Ltd. (British book about the German campaigns in Finland, Norway and the USSR 1940-1945.)b

[s58] Nissen, Henrik S (editor) (1983), Scandinavia during the Second World War, Universitetsforlaget Oslo-Bergen-Tromsø. (A short account of the history in the Nordic countries during WWII and the early postwar period.)b

[s59] Linder, Jan & Lundberg, Lennart (2002), Ofredens hav - Östersjön 1939-1992, Infomanager Förlag Jan Linder. (Swedish book about the non-peaceful history of the Baltic Sea.)b

[s60] Lindholm, Rolf H (2009), Räddningsaktioner - Svenska insatser under andra världskriget, Books-on-Demand. (Swedish book about Swedish activities to rescue people during WWII.)b

[s61] Bra Böckers lexicon del 10 (1977), ”Gripsholm”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s62] Bra Böckers lexicon del 7 (1980), ”F-båt”, Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s63] Lundberg, Lennart (1993), Krigsmalmens offer, Åkeriförlaget. (Swedish book about Swedish sailors in the iron ore shipping between Sweden and Germany.)b

[s64] Lundberg, Lennart (1999), Lejdtrafik och kvarstad, Marinliteraturföreningen. (Swedish book about safe-conduct for Swedish ships, and embargo of Norwegian ships in Sweden.)b

[s65] Krigsseglargruppen, foremost texts by Fredh, Terje (1997), Krigsseglare, Tre Böcker Förlag AB. (Swedish book about Swedish sailors during World War II.)b

[s66] About the former minesweeper M20. www.minsveparen.se/minsveparen/pages/fartyget.asp and www.minsveparen.se/minsveparen/resources/gallery/Images/Beskrivning_M_20.pdf, read 2011-11-07.

[s67] Lundberg, Lennart (1997), Under kriget, Tre Böcker Förlag AB. (Swedish book with 3 focus areas.)b

[s68] Ericson Wolke, Lars & Hårdstedt, Martin, et al (2009), Svenska sjöslag, Medströms Bokförlag. (Swedish book about Swedish naval battles.)b

[s69] Linder, Jan (2005), Norge 1940 - drama i nio akter, Infomanager Förlag (?) Jan Linder. (Swedish book about Norway in 1940, written also for those with moderate interest for the history.)b

[s70] von Hofsten, Gustaf & Waernberg, Jan (2003), Örlogsfartyg, Svenskt Militärhistoriskt Bibliotek. (Swedish book about Swedish machine-powered naval vessels.)

[s71] Linder, Jan (1999), Från Gylfe till Smyge - Örlogsflottan under två sekel, Infomanager Förlag. (Swedish book about the Swedish navy during two centuries.)

[s72] Marinnytt nr 2 - 4, 1977, Marinstaben, Stockholm, 1977. (Swedish navy magazines, from the naval staff.)

[s73] Sjöhistoriska museet / The Maritime Museum, Stockholm. www.sjohistoriska.se. Information from the museums exhibitions, and from my search for photos to use.

[s74] Forum navale nr 58, 2002. Article "De vita skeppen - en svensk humanitär operation 1945". (Swedish maritime journal, this article about the Swedish "white ships" and their operation after the war.) www.sjohistoriskasamfundet.se/fn/fn58-lag.pdf

[s75] Annerfalk, Anders (1994), Flygvapnet - en historisk översikt, Aviatic Förlag. (Swedish book about the history of the Swedish air force.)

[s76] Widfeldt, Bo / Hall, Åke (2005), Svenskt militärflyg second edition, Air Historic Research AB, Nässjö. (Swedish book about military planes in the Swedish air force.)

[s77] Widfeldt, Bo (2007), Tyska nödlandare 1939-1945 , Air Historic Research. (Swedish book about German planes that made emergency landings in Sweden, and some info about planes from Poland, Norway and Finland.)

[s78] Kristoffersson, Pej (1984), Flyg 85, Bevingade Ord Förlag AB. (Swedish annual book about aviation.)

[s79] Kristoffersson, Pej (1987), Flyg 88, Bevingade Ord Förlag AB. (Swedish annual book about aviation.)

[s80] Kristoffersson, Pej (1989), Flyg 90, Bevingade Ord Förlag AB. (Swedish annual book about aviation. This info from short review of F19 en krönika by Greger Falk, 1988.)

[s81] Bra Böckers lexicon del 8 (1977), ”Frivilligkåren, Svenska”. Bra Böcker, Höganäs.

[s82] Kristoffersson, Pej (1990), Flyg 91, Bevingade Ord Förlag AB. (Swedish annual book about aviation.)

[s83] Kristoffersson, Pej (1997), Flyg 98, Bevingade Ord Förlag AB. (Swedish annual book about aviation.)

Some fragments comes from conversations with people I have met, and trust.

In general: When fragments are similar in more than one source, I mention only the first source where I have found it. When later found fragments add to, or differ from, earlier fragments I mention more than one source.

Many of these books contain interesting texts, and are well worth the time to read them. I don't know if the Swedish and Norwegian books have been issued in other languages.

To write these texts also woke some memories. One special occasion was in September 2002, when I had the opportunity to join an outing with a DC3 club. We started from Bromma airport in Stockholm, where I spent much time as a child. Among others in former bunkers. We flew with the DC3 Daisy to the airport in Söderhamn with the F15 Flygmuseum (wing museum). When the crew at the museum saw that we arrived with a DC3, they called a retired employee who was our special guide during the visit. Among all the interesting things he told about the wings history and more, he mentioned that during World War II the Swedish pilot Carl Gustaf von Rosen had fixed bomb mounts on a DC3 that he would fly to Finland - but the guide didn't know the outcome of if.

Then our pilot, who brought us to the museum that day, said: "I can tell you about that.". Carl Gustaf von Rosen was his father. At that moment I really felt the wings of history.


The photos are foremost illustrations to make the web pages more pleasant to watch, but they have some connection to the nearby text - a range from photos of the ships that are mentioned in texts, to a similar typical Swedish house that bordercrossers could see along the border between Norway and Sweden.

Please place the pointer on the photo to read the caption.

If nothing else is noted on the photos, I have taken them. Texts on other photos that I use here are from the information about each photo.

I am grateful for the permission to use photos from this museum:

  • Sjöhistoriska museet / The Maritime Museum, Stockholm. www.sjohistoriska.se

    2019-04-07. www.granfoss.se. Text/pictures: Arne Granfoss