Sweden in World War II - across borders

Danish police in Sweden

In the early years of the German occuption of Denmark, the national Danish structure in a way co-existed with the German structure.

On 29 August the German military declared a state of emergency in Denmark. Among others the Danish military was disarmed. [s13]

Policemen would be needed in Denmark too, and 3,450 Danes got police education in Sweden. [s19]

When training of Norwegian policemen had begun, Denmark wanted a similar training in Sweden. In December 1943 Sweden permitted 500 men to be trained for service in Denmark at the end of the war. Material for 7,500 men would be stored for use in Denmark. [s58]

Denmark had initially asked for arms, including tanks, for 50,000 men. [s58]

From the end of 1944 they also were trained in the use of heavy infantry weapons. [s58]

In May 1945 the Danish Brigade had about 4,800 - 5,000 men. [s58]

When May 1945 began, there were 200,000 German soldiers in Denmark. [s58]

There were also 200,000 German refugees who had fled from the Soviet Union offensive in the east. [s58]

The Danish brigade sailed from Sweden to Denmark on 6 May 1945. [s58]

2013-10-27. www.granfoss.se. Text/pictures: Arne Granfoss